Hey again Pretty Mamas!
As a new Mama, it may seem exciting to go out and buy one of every cute thing on the baby market. But after the baby buying buzz wears off, the ensuing clutter (and credit) crash may have you regretting that buying binge. Pretty Mamas live within their means and try never to be wasteful. So here is a list of things Pretty Mamas don’t need to raise a happy, healthy baby…..
1. Hooded Towels and Baby Bathrobes – After a bath your baby is going to be very chilly and if he’s anything like mine, really pissed that you’re the splashy fun-time party pooper. But your baby will warm and cheer up once you get her dried off and put in a comfy onesie. A regular towel does the job just as well as those fancy hooded towels and baby bathrobes.
2. Wardrobe of Clothes in Newborn Size – Seriously, your little one is only going to be able to wear this stuff for 1 week, maybe 2, if at all! You only need one or two packs of white organic onesies, maybe 2 pairs of comfy pants, and socks.

4. Baby Shoes - Do I really need to explain?
5. Baby Toys - Again, people will be begging you to take their baby swings, baby bouncers, high chairs, and those annoying toys that light up and play music.
Hot Mamas save their money for good organic veggies, records, tea, and Mama and Baby Yoga Classes. In the long-term, start thinking about college funds and vacations, too. And remember any place that you can interact with other Pretty Mamas, you will find someone whose baby is a size larger than yours and a baby a size smaller. If you just keep up the hand-me-down tradition, you may never have to buy anything else for your baby!