I've always been a huge advocate of fasting. Fasting is basically the opposite of everything society tells us to do. Corporate media and every advertisement tells us to constantly consume. So much so, that much of our self-worth is derived from the amount of, quality and variety of our consumption. But who benefits? Obesity is at an all-time high, as is depression and prescription drug dependency. Fasting allows the body to cleanse itself of the toxins that have accumulated over the years and divert energy normally used for digestion to healing and repairing damaged organs.

I was starting to feel guilty about my state of mind, so I sought out the help of my trusted acupuncturist. I've been seeing my acupuncturist, Dan Dan, for the past 3 years and she has helped me with dance injuries, allergies, ear infections and insomnia. She agreed that all of the stress was taking its toll on my body and spirit. Then she reminded me of the healing powers of fasting.
Fasting is NOT something to be entered into lightly, so after much research and discussion with Dan Dan, I decided it would be safe to do a short, 5 day juice fast while still exclusively breastfeeding my son. Juice fasting gives your body all of the nutrients it needs and pure pressed juices take little to no energy for your body to process. The detoxification is also less intense than with water fasting, so I would still have enough energy to take care of the baby.
This is my adventure....
Day 1:
10:00 am: Carrot/Orange Juice
12:00 pm: Taught Baby and Me Class
1:00 pm: Apple, Carrot, Kale, Ginger Juice
3:00 pm: Peppermint Iced Tead
5:30 pm: Kale, Broccoli, Celery, Ginger, Garlic Juice
6:00 pm: Nap
8:00 pm: Kombucha (fermented tea)
8:30 pm: Light Yoga Session (30 mins)
9:00 pm: Peach Tea
Side Effects: head aching, easily upset, pressure on sinuses, frequent urination, sleepy, kidney pain, back pain, groggy
Improvements: None
Day 2
10:00 am: Grapefruit Juice
12:45 pm: Carrot, Kale, Collards, Garlic Juice
2:00 pm: Nap
4:30 pm: Kale, Broccoli, Celery, Ginger, Garlic Juice
5:30 pm: Carrot Juice
6:00 pm: Yoga Session (1 hr)
7:30 pm: Ginger, Lemon, Water
9:00 pm: Hibiscus Tea
Side Effects: headache, sleepy, slight kidney pain, back pain, bad breath, sleepy
Improvements: less headache and kidney pain, more mental clarity
Day 3:
10:00 am: Apple, Carrot, Orange, Mango Juice
10:30 am: Hibiscus/Mint Iced Tea
12:30 pm: Apple, Celery, Beet, Garlic, Ginger, Kale Juice
3:00 pm: Kombucha
5:30 pm: Kale, Broccoli, Celery, Ginger, Garlic Juice
6:30 pm: Belly Dance Class (45 mins)
7:00 pm: Ginger, Lemon Water
9:30 pm: Rooibus Tea
Side Effects: headache, sleepy, slight kidney pain, back pain, bad breath
Improvements: even less headache and kidney pain, more mental clarity, more energy
Day 4:
10:00 am: Hibiscus Iced Tea
11:30 am: Superfood Smoothie
2:00 pm: Celery, Beet, Garlic, Ginger, Kale Juice
5:00 pm: Kombucha
6:00 pm: Belly Dance Class (45 mins)
7:30 pm: Ginger, Lemon Water
7:30 pm: Ginger, Lemon Water
Side Effects: sore arms and legs, lower abdominal pain, no appitite
Improvements: not thinking about solid food, no headache or kidney pain, more energy
*Notes: I hardly slept at all tonight because of labor-like pains in my uterus and ovaries. While I've had period-like pain when fasting before, I'm guessing that I didn't give myself enough time to heal after my son's birth.
Day 5
Side Effects: headache, very groggy, lower abdominal pain, pressure on sinuses, easily irritated, chills, no appetite
Improvements: all side effects were gone by around 4:00 pm
The next day I gently broke my fast by drinking only juice and water and only eating raw salads.
Right now I'm feeling much better and enlightened by the healing I experienced on the fourth night. I'll discuss my improvements in greater detail after my acupuncturist appointment tomorrow!
*Notes: I hardly slept at all tonight because of labor-like pains in my uterus and ovaries. While I've had period-like pain when fasting before, I'm guessing that I didn't give myself enough time to heal after my son's birth.
Day 5
7:30 am: Superfood Smoothie
12:00 pm: Carrot, Celery, Beet, Garlic, Ginger, Kale Juice
5:00 pm: Kombucha
6:00 pm: Nap
6:00 pm: Nap
7:00 pm: Light Yoga Session (20 mins)
8:30 pm: Ginger, Lemon Water
8:30 pm: Ginger, Lemon Water
Side Effects: headache, very groggy, lower abdominal pain, pressure on sinuses, easily irritated, chills, no appetite
Improvements: all side effects were gone by around 4:00 pm
The next day I gently broke my fast by drinking only juice and water and only eating raw salads.
Right now I'm feeling much better and enlightened by the healing I experienced on the fourth night. I'll discuss my improvements in greater detail after my acupuncturist appointment tomorrow!